Breaking: FG Increases Minimum Wage Offer, Proposes N62,000

Minimum Wage: Labour’ll Reject Little Addition To N60,000 Offer – TUC

Federal Government Increases Minimum Wage Offer, Proposes N62,000. 

The Federal Government of Nigeria has adjusted its minimum wage offer from N60,000 to N62,000. This development came after the latest meeting of the Tripartite Committee on New National Minimum Wage, which took place on Friday.

However, the negotiations are far from over as organized labour, represented by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), has put forward a proposal for a N250,000 minimum wage. This significant gap between the two proposals has left the discussions without a consensus, leading to the adjournment of the meeting.


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Reactions from Various Sectors

  • Private Sector: The private sector has shown support for the Federal Government’s new offer of N62,000, seeing it as a more sustainable figure compared to the labour unions’ demands.
  • Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF): The NGF has previously rejected the initial N60,000 proposal, labeling it unsustainable. They argue that such an increase would strain state resources, potentially leading to borrowing just to cover salaries, thus impeding developmental projects.

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Labour Unions’ Stand

Labour unions, under the leadership of the NLC and TUC, initiated a strike at the beginning of the week to protest the government’s proposed wage, deeming it unacceptable. The strike was called off after a day, but the unions remain firm in their demand for a substantial increase to N250,000.


Ongoing Negotiations

As negotiations continue, the Federal Government and labour unions are expected to engage in further discussions to find a middle ground that addresses the concerns of all parties involved. The outcome of these negotiations is crucial for the economic stability and social welfare of Nigerian workers.

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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