Home Politics Today Hon. Nwabekee Christian, A.K.A. Agogo, Declares Candidacy for Chairman of Isu LGA

Hon. Nwabekee Christian, A.K.A. Agogo, Declares Candidacy for Chairman of Isu LGA

Hon. Nwabekee Christian, A.K.A. Agogo, Declares Candidacy for Chairman of Isu LGA
Hon. Nwabekee Christian, A.K.A. Agogo, Declares Candidacy for Chairman of Isu LGA

ISU LGA, Imo, Nigeria – In a heartfelt address to the esteemed members of the ISU Local Government Area, Hon. Nwabekee Christian Ekezie, also known as AGOGO, has formally declared his candidacy for the position of Chairman. With a commitment to serving the community with integrity, dedication, and transparency, Hon. Nwabekee seeks the support and trust of the residents as he embarks on this significant journey.

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Hon. Nwabekee, a long-time resident of ISU, has witnessed the numerous challenges and opportunities that the community faces. In his speech, he highlighted the pressing issues of inadequate infrastructure, limited access to quality healthcare and education, and the rising unemployment rates that affect many citizens. “It is time for us to come together and work towards a better future for all residents of ISU,” he asserted.


Expressing his dedication to the community, Hon. Nwabekee pledged to prioritize the needs of ISU’s residents and work tirelessly to address the issues that matter most. His plans include improving healthcare facilities, upgrading roads and infrastructure, and creating economic opportunities for the youth. “I solicit your support as I embark on this Chairmanship race,” he stated, emphasizing his commitment to making tangible improvements in the community.


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Hon. Nwabekee also emphasized the importance of collaboration, expressing his intention to build partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and government agencies to foster positive change in ISU. “I believe in the power of collaboration and will strive to build partnerships to bring positive change to ISU,” he noted.


A firm believer in accountability and transparency in governance, Hon. Nwabekee assured the community that he would remain accessible to all residents, actively listening to their concerns and advocating for their needs. He promised to work with honesty and integrity to ensure that the community’s resources are used wisely and for the benefit of all.



In conclusion, Hon. Nwabekee appealed for the community’s support as he aims to build a brighter future for ISU. “Let us unite in our shared vision for a prosperous and thriving community. Together, we can make ISU a better place for all,” he concluded, inviting residents to join him in this journey towards progress and development.


With his commitment to service and a clear vision for the future, Hon. Nwabekee Christian A.K.A AGOGO’s candidacy represents a hopeful and promising opportunity for the ISU Local Government Area.

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