Labour Party National Chairman Julius Abure Suspended, Details Emerge


LP suspends national chairman Julius Abure for alleged anti-party activities. 

In a significant development within the Labour Party (LP), National Chairman Julius Abure has been suspended. The suspension, dated May 14, 2024, and ratified the following day, was confirmed during a meeting of the state executive committee held on Friday night in Benin.

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The suspension was enforced immediately, with Abure being advised to cease all activities and refrain from presenting himself as a member of the Labour Party. The letter, signed by Ward Chairman Thompson Ehiguese and Ward Secretary Stanley Usiomoh, emphasized the urgency and immediate effect of this action.

While the suspension is with immediate effect, you are advised to refrain from holding out or parading yourself as a member of Labour Party, Ward 3, Arue, Uromi, Esan North East Local Government Area of Edo State,” the letter stated.

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The state executive committee, led by Kelly Ogbaloi, endorsed the decision, following the endorsement from both the ward and local government committees. Ogbaloi noted that the state executive council had no choice but to support the suspension, which had also been ratified by the party’s executive council in Esan North East Local Government Area.

The party’s state deputy chairman, Mr. Patrick Agbontaen, expressed the party’s frustration over the numerous allegations of misconduct against Abure, affirming the decision to suspend him until further notice.

The ratification letter further detailed: “Here forwarded to you and for your consideration is the ratification of the suspension of Julius Abure from the membership of Ward 3, Arue, Uromi, Esan North East LGA, Edo State. The LGA Executive met on 15th of May, 2024, about noon, to consider the matters presented on the suspension and accordingly found them weighty and the suspension ratified and upheld.”

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