Threads: Facebook launches app to kill Twitter


Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, has expressed the goal of surpassing with the company’s newly-launched Threads app.

Experts believe that Threads could attract Twitter users who are dissatisfied with recent changes made to the platform.

Threads, which is currently not available in the European Union due to regulatory concerns, allows users to post up to 500 characters and offers many features similar to Twitter.


According to Mr. Zuckerberg, the app gained over five million sign-ups within its first four hours. He previously stated that maintaining a “friendly” environment on the platform is crucial for its success.

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Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, responded by saying, “It is infinitely preferable to be attacked by strangers on Twitter than indulge in the false happiness of hide-the-pain .”

When asked if Threads could become “bigger than Twitter,” Mr. Zuckerberg commented that it would take time but he envisions a public conversations app with over one billion users. He also expressed the belief that Twitter had the opportunity to achieve this but failed to do so, hoping that Threads will succeed in that regard.


Competitors have raised concerns about the amount of data the app might collect. This could include health, financial, and browsing data linked to users’ identities, as reported by the Apple App Store.

Threads is currently available for download in over 100 countries, including the UK, but its release in the EU is pending due to regulatory issues.

‘Initial version’

, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, referred to Threads as an “initial version” and plans to introduce additional features, including the ability to interact with users on other platforms like Mastodon.

Before its launch, Meta stated that their vision for Threads is to leverage Instagram’s strengths and expand them to include text-based content.

Although Threads is a separate app, users log in using their Instagram accounts. Their Instagram username carries over to Threads, but they have the option to customize their profile specifically for the Threads app.


According to Meta, users will have the option to follow the same accounts they follow on Instagram. The app allows users to maintain privacy on Instagram while being public on Threads.

The release of the new app comes in the wake of criticism directed at Meta for its business practices. Frances Haugen, a Meta whistleblower, accused the company of prioritizing profits over safety and raised concerns about platform moderation. Additionally, Meta faced a scandal involving the unauthorized access of Facebook users’ personal data by third parties, including Cambridge Analytica, a British political consultancy.

In a lighthearted remark, Elon Musk jokingly commented on Meta’s controversial past, saying, “thank goodness they’re so sanely run.”

While there are alternative platforms to Twitter like Bluesky and Mastodon, they have struggled to gain widespread popularity. Threads holds a significant advantage due to its integration with Instagram and the existing user base of hundreds of millions on that platform.

How does Threads work?

Threads offers users the ability to share posts between Threads and Instagram, allowing for the inclusion of links, photos, and videos up to five minutes in length. However, early users reported some issues with image uploads, indicating initial challenges.


Users have access to a feed of posts, referred to as “threads” by Meta, which includes content from people they follow and recommended content. They have control over who can mention them and can filter out replies to posts containing specific words.

Users also have the option to unfollow, block, restrict, or report other profiles. Notably, any accounts blocked on Instagram are automatically blocked on Threads as well.


While Meta emphasizes its connection to Instagram, media coverage has highlighted its resemblance to Twitter, leading some investors to consider Threads as a potential “Twitter killer.”

How Threads will look at its launchImage source, Meta
Image caption,

Posts can be shared between Threads and Instagram and can include links, photos, and videos

Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, recently limited the number of tweets users can view per day on his platform due to concerns about excessive “data scraping.” This move is aimed at encouraging users to subscribe to Twitter Blue, the platform’s paid service. Additionally, Twitter announced that its popular user dashboard, TweetDeck, will become a paid feature in 30 days.

Since Elon Musk assumed control of Twitter, many users have openly expressed their dissatisfaction with the platform and his leadership, citing unpredictable behavior and political opinions. In a playful exchange, Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, jokingly agreed to a cage fight, with Zuckerberg mentioning his interest in mixed martial arts in his earlier posts on Threads.


While Threads will be accessible in the UK, it is currently unavailable in the EU due to regulatory uncertainties, specifically related to the EU’s Digital Markets Act. However, the company is exploring the possibility of launching in the EU. This act establishes guidelines for large companies like Meta regarding data sharing between their owned platforms, and the sharing of data between Threads and Instagram is a key concern.

Meta emphasizes the importance of protecting privacy as a core aspect of its business.



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