Breaking: Panic as Governor Yusuf Orders Immediate Demolition of Bayero’s Palace

Abba Kabir Yusuf
Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf

In a shocking turn of events, Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano State has ordered the immediate demolition of the Nasarawa GRA Mini Palace, the residence of the recently deposed Emir Aminu Ado Bayero. This decision comes just hours after a Federal High Court ruling nullified the deposition of Emir Bayero, creating widespread panic and uncertainty in the state.

The announcement was made through the state’s Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Haruna Dederi, during a press conference. Dederi explained that the government has finalized plans for the renovation and reconstruction of the property, including addressing the dilapidated wall fence, with immediate effect.

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“The government has concluded arrangements for the general reconstruction and renovation of the Nasarawa GRA Mini Palace. This includes the demolition of the current structure to make way for a new, modern facility,” Dederi stated. He also noted that the Commissioner of Police has been directed to ensure the removal of Emir Bayero from the premises.

The move by the Kano State government has sparked significant controversy and concern, especially given the timing. The Federal High Court in Kano had recently ruled in favor of Emir Bayero, nullifying his deposition by the state government.

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Justice Abdullahi Liman declared all actions taken after the passage of the Kano Emirate Council Repeal Law 2024 as null and void, and ordered all parties to maintain the status quo pending further proceedings.

Background of the Dispute

The leadership tussle within the Kano Emirate has been a contentious issue. The Kano State Assembly repealed the Kano Emirate Council Law 2019, leading to Governor Yusuf’s decision to dethrone Emir Bayero and reverse the creation of four new emirates: Bichi, Rano, Karaye, and Gaya. This action also saw the reinstatement of Muhammadu Sanusi II, who was deposed by the previous administration in 2020.

The Federal High Court’s recent ruling, however, challenged the legality of these actions, creating a legal quagmire. The court’s decision to nullify Governor Yusuf’s actions under the new law has thrown the state’s political landscape into disarray.

Legal and Political Reactions

The legal community has been abuzz with discussions about the implications of the Federal High Court’s ruling. Wale Adeagbo, a legal practitioner, explained to that while social media claims suggest a federal high court’s superiority over state high courts, the constitution does not place one above the other. This clarification came in light of conflicting court orders on the royal succession between Emirs Bayero and Sanusi II.

Public Response and Future Implications for dethroned Emir Aminu Ado Bayero

The governor’s directive has elicited mixed reactions from the public. Supporters of Emir Bayero have expressed outrage and disbelief, calling the demolition order a blatant disregard for the court’s decision. Conversely, supporters of Governor Yusuf argue that the renovation and reconstruction of the palace are necessary for the state’s development.


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This development raises several critical questions about the balance of power between the judiciary and the executive in Nigeria, and the potential impact on traditional institutions. The unfolding events are likely to have far-reaching consequences for the political and social fabric of Kano State.

As the situation develops, all eyes will be on the response from Emir Bayero, the legal maneuvers that might follow, and the potential for further escalation. The immediate focus, however, remains on the execution of the demolition order and the government’s plans for the Nasarawa GRA Mini Palace.

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