Home Sports News Today Tobi Amusan Wins Fourth Straight National Women’s 100m Hurdles Title

Tobi Amusan Wins Fourth Straight National Women’s 100m Hurdles Title

Tobi Amusan

Tobi Amusan wins fourth title, what it means for Nigeria Sport Federation. 

The national trials witnessed an electrifying performance by Tobi Amusan, the world record holder, who clinched her fourth consecutive national title in the women’s 100m hurdles. Amusan, a 27-year-old sprint sensation from Ogun State, Nigeria, clocked an impressive time of 12.78 seconds, showcasing her dominance in the event. This victory not only solidifies her status as the nation’s leading hurdler but also sets a promising stage for her participation in the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Tobi Amusan’s Journey to the Top

Tobi Amusan’s journey to becoming a world-renowned hurdler is nothing short of inspirational. Born and raised in Ogun State, her passion for athletics was evident from a young age. Her dedication and hard work paid off when she burst onto the national scene, quickly making a name for herself in the 100m hurdles. Over the years, she has continually improved her performance, breaking records and setting new standards in the sport.


The National Trials: A Display of Excellence

The national trials held in Benin were a testament to Amusan’s exceptional talent and determination. Competing against the best in the country, she left no room for doubt about her supremacy in the 100m hurdles. Her finishing time of 12.78 seconds was not just a victory but a statement of her readiness for international competitions.

Rivals on the Track: Adaobi Tabugbo and Faith Osamuyi


While Amusan took the spotlight, the race also highlighted the talents of other athletes. Adaobi Tabugbo secured the second position with a time of 13.33 seconds, followed closely by Faith Osamuyi, who finished at 13.36 seconds. Both athletes showed remarkable skill and promise, indicating a bright future for Nigerian hurdling.

Tobi Amusan wins fourth title, Implications for the Paris 2024 Olympics

This victory serves as a crucial stepping stone for Amusan as she prepares for the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympics. Her performance at the national trials is a clear indication that she is in peak form and ready to compete at the highest level. Fans and supporters are eagerly anticipating her participation, hopeful that she will bring home an Olympic medal.

Training and Preparation: Key to Success

Amusan’s success is attributed to her rigorous training regime and unwavering commitment to excellence. Under the guidance of her experienced coaches, she has honed her technique and improved her speed, making her a formidable competitor on the global stage. Her training includes a mix of speed drills, strength training, and hurdle techniques, all designed to maximize her performance.


The Role of Support Systems

Behind every successful athlete is a robust support system, and Amusan is no exception. From her coaches and trainers to her family and friends, the encouragement and support she receives play a crucial role in her achievements. This network of support not only motivates her but also provides the necessary resources and guidance to excel.

Future Prospects for Nigerian Athletics

Amusan’s triumph is a beacon of hope for Nigerian athletics, inspiring a new generation of athletes to pursue their dreams. Her achievements have put Nigeria on the map in the world of hurdling, and her continued success is likely to encourage more investment in the sport. The future looks bright for Nigerian athletics, with promising talents emerging and the potential for more international accolades.



How many national titles has Tobi Amusan won? Tobi Amusan has won four consecutive national titles in the women’s 100m hurdles.

What was Tobi Amusan’s time in the latest national trials? She clocked an impressive time of 12.78 seconds in the national trials.


Who came second and third in the women’s 100m hurdles at the national trials? Adaobi Tabugbo came second with a time of 13.33 seconds, and Faith Osamuyi secured third place with a time of 13.36 seconds.

Where were the national trials held? The national trials were held in Benin.

What are Tobi Amusan’s prospects for the Paris 2024 Olympics? Given her current form and recent performances, Amusan is a strong contender for a medal at the Paris 2024 Olympics.


What factors contribute to Tobi Amusan’s success? Her success can be attributed to her rigorous training regime, supportive network, and unwavering dedication to the sport.

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Finally word as Tobi Amusan wins fourth title

Tobi Amusan’s fourth consecutive national title in the women’s 100m hurdles is a testament to her extraordinary talent and dedication. As she gears up for the Paris 2024 Olympics, her recent victory is a promising indication of more successes to come. Her achievements continue to inspire aspiring athletes and elevate Nigerian athletics on the global stage.

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