MultiChoice Readjusts Subscription Prices DStv, GOtv, See New Price

NANS Demands MultiChoice to Stop DSTV and Gotv Subscription Hikes

In a recent development, MultiChoice, the parent company of DStv and GOtv, has readjusted its subscription prices following a court order. This change has significant implications for subscribers and the company’s business model. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the situation, the reasons behind the price adjustments, and the potential future actions of MultiChoice.

Background on MultiChoice’s Price Hike

MultiChoice had increased the subscription prices for its DStv and GOtv services in response to market conditions, including high inflation and the devaluation of the naira. These changes were implemented to align with the rising costs of operations in Nigeria. However, the price hike led to a decline in the subscriber base, with over a million subscribers reportedly discontinuing their services.

Court Order and Its Impact

The Competition Consumer Tribunal (CCT) issued a court order mandating MultiChoice to revert to the previous subscription prices. This ruling was based on the premise that the price hike was unfair to consumers. MultiChoice has complied with the court order, reverting to the old prices pending the outcome of its appeal against the ruling.


Old vs. New GOtv Prices

The court order has resulted in the following changes to GOtv subscription prices:

  • GOtv Super+: Reduced from ₦15,700 to ₦12,500
  • GOtv Super: Reduced from ₦9,600 to ₦7,600
  • GOtv Max: Reduced from ₦5,700 to ₦3,950
  • GOtv Joli: Reduced from ₦3,950 to ₦2,700
  • GOtv Jinja: Reduced from ₦3,300 to ₦2,700

These adjustments are in effect as of June 16, 2024, according to checks on the company’s apps.

Subscriber Reactions and Market Impact


Subscribers have expressed mixed reactions to the price adjustments. While many are relieved by the reversion to lower rates, there is uncertainty about the company’s next steps and the potential for future price hikes. The reduction in prices is expected to stabilize the subscriber base, but the long-term impact on MultiChoice’s revenue remains to be seen.

MultiChoice’s Response and Future Plans

MultiChoice has stated its intention to challenge the court order, arguing that the ruling does not favor its business model. The company has cited high operational costs and economic pressures as justifications for the initial price hike. As MultiChoice prepares to appeal the court decision, it continues to navigate the financial challenges posed by the Nigerian market.

Economic Context and Industry Challenges

The broader economic context in Nigeria has influenced MultiChoice’s pricing strategy. High inflation rates and the devaluation of the naira have increased the cost of doing business. Additionally, regulatory pressures and market competition have added to the company’s challenges. Understanding these factors is crucial for comprehending the rationale behind MultiChoice’s pricing decisions and its future actions.


N31.6 Billion Trapped in Heritage Bank

Adding to its financial woes, MultiChoice disclosed that it had an account balance of N31.6 billion trapped in Heritage Bank, which was recently liquidated. This loss has further strained the company’s resources, impacting its ability to maintain stable operations and invest in service improvements.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

The legal battle between MultiChoice and the CCT highlights the complexities of regulatory compliance in Nigeria. Companies must navigate a landscape of consumer protection laws, competition regulations, and economic policies. The outcome of MultiChoice’s appeal will set a precedent for future regulatory actions and corporate responses in the industry.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What led to the price hike for DStv and GOtv subscriptions?


MultiChoice increased the subscription prices to align with market realities, including high inflation and the devaluation of the naira.

How did the court order affect MultiChoice’s subscription prices?

The court order mandated MultiChoice to revert to the old subscription prices, which the company has complied with pending the outcome of its appeal.


What are the current GOtv subscription prices after the adjustment?

The adjusted prices are: Super+ at ₦12,500, Super at ₦7,600, Max at ₦3,950, Joli at ₦2,700, and Jinja at ₦2,700.

How has the subscriber base responded to the price adjustments?


Subscribers have shown mixed reactions, with many relieved by the price reductions but uncertain about future price stability.

What financial challenges is MultiChoice facing?

MultiChoice is dealing with high operational costs, economic pressures, and a significant amount of funds trapped in the liquidated Heritage Bank.dstv packages and price, gotv packages and price


What is MultiChoice’s next step regarding the court order?

MultiChoice plans to challenge the court order, arguing that the ruling does not favor its business model and financial sustainability.

MultiChoice’s readjustment of DStv and GOtv subscription prices following a court order reflects the complex interplay between regulatory actions, market conditions, and corporate strategies. While the company navigates these challenges, subscribers can benefit from the temporary relief in subscription costs. The outcome of MultiChoice’s appeal will be crucial in determining the future landscape of pay television services in Nigeria.

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