Navigating the New Normal: A Business Perspective

Abraham John Onoja

Navigating : A Perspective


As the relentless grip of the COVID-19 pandemic reshapes our world, ushering in a new order, businesses find themselves at the forefront of financial and operational challenges. Balancing the needs of their paramount assets—customers and suppliers—while strategically navigating uncertainties is the current imperative.


The crisis, though riddled with uncertainties, unveils opportunities for sectors to flourish or falter based on effective management and strategic planning. Companies that emerge resilient in this era are those that have seamlessly integrated risk management into their business strategy.

While the pandemic is primarily a public health issue, its economic repercussions are profound, creating a potential meltdown in both formal and informal sectors. The time is now for businesses to adapt to the “new normal,” where owners face overwhelming challenges, akin to navigating treacherous waters infested with COVID-19 sharks.

Success for businesses hinges, in part, on the economic systems of the countries they operate in. Understanding a nation’s economic system—the amalgamation of government policies, laws, and choices—plays a vital role in determining what goods and services are produced and how they are distributed.


In this challenging landscape, business owners must prioritize supporting their people, customers, and suppliers. Simultaneously, they must address supply chain disruptions, stabilize profit margins, align with evolving demand, identify potential pitfalls, and discern new growth trends.

Adapting to the new normal requires a mindset shift. Businesses must identify, analyze, and implement effective strategies to recover and grow. This is the opportune moment to build strong organizational relationships with strategic partners for the execution of these strategies.

Stakeholders are now focused on the ‘next’; the unpredictable phase of economic recovery with new threats and opportunities. Leaders, both corporate and political, face the urgent task of reopening businesses. Reopening requires inventive thinking to bridge the gap of uncertainty.

The pandemic presents an opportunity for companies to invest in areas previously overlooked, pushing for digitalization, data-driven decision-making, cloud adoption, variable cost structures, and a stronger foothold in e-commerce and security.

Global organizations are undergoing unprecedented changes in workflow processes, optimizing their workforces. Remote work has become a crucial aspect, but its long-term impact on achieving corporate objectives remains uncertain. Companies are cautiously reviewing profitability and business models, striving to meet expected deliverables amidst personal and existential challenges.


In this evolving landscape, organizations need bespoke plans to navigate the challenges and position themselves advantageously. Stakeholders play critical roles in developing systematic approaches that promote shared workforce resilience, flexibility, and intelligence.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever altered the experiences, attitudes, and behaviors of customers, employees, citizens, and humans at large. Consumer psychology norms are shifting, creating a challenging atmosphere for boardroom decisions.

Companies must review and redesign operational flows and models to align with the new world order. The redefined landscape impacts design, communication, running expenses, remunerations, investments, and more. Understanding the reshaped needs and wants of people is essential for businesses to adapt and thrive.

Uncertainties created by the global pandemic have forced companies to reassess and reinvent business operations. The crisis has highlighted the importance of digital platforms in ensuring business continuity and supporting operations through and beyond the pandemic.

As we navigate these uncharted waters, leaders must increase their adoption of value chain transformation to outpace uncertainty. Successfully navigating the new normal requires establishing strategies for greater resilience and applying lessons learned to create systems and models for future disruptions.




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